11 thoughts on “Yael’s Reflections Of Disney World

  1. That is fantastic Yael! It sounds like you had fun at the race track even if you got scared a bit. I am so happy that you got to see Anna and Elsa. That is really “cool”!

  2. Yael,
    I agree, some of those rides can really freak you out! Isn’t it weird how we get scared but also really enjoy them at the same time?
    Keep writing and telling stories. I want to hear another one soon!

  3. Yael, Saba and I are sooooooooooooo proud of you. We love the way you express yourself on paper, maybe one day you will want to write a story about our KOFICO the monkey and draw a picture of the little trouble maker.
    Kisses & Hugs

  4. Yael I love your blog. Hopefully we can go to Disney World together someday. I want to ride in that blue car so one day will go I promise!

    Miss you! Give Yokoa kiss for me

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